Company News
AWWC Through the Lens: Unpacking ROI
Erin Jordan recently joined a panel for a session sponsored by the Alliance of Women in Workers’ Compensation to discuss the application of ROI. What is ROI and where can it be applied?
Company News
NYSASIC and NCAComp Webinar
Erin Jordan presented a webinar for the New York State Association of Self-Insured Counties providing an overview of workers’ compensation forms, timelines, best practices and understanding loss runs. This 101-level webinar is intended for clerical staff members responsible for reporting on matters involving and related to workers’ compensation. It will be extra helpful for those … Continued
White Paper
Progression of a Claim
This paper is a guide explaining the different events that happen throughout a claim in regards to injured worker wage benefits.
White Paper
COVID-19 Trends
This white paper breaks down the trends we have seen with NCA’s clients in the first quarter of the COVID-19 pandemic (Q2 2020)
White Paper
WCB COVID Response
A summary from the Workers’ Compensation Board of New York State of all the changes or relaxations of regulations that have been implemented in response to the COVID-19 Outbreak.
White Paper
New York State Workers’ Compensation Drug Formulary Info-graphic
Presented by: NCAComp, Inc.
White Paper
NYS Workers’ Compensation Drug Formulary Update
Prior Authorization Portal Roll-Out.